Over the last 18-24 months, it has become increasingly apparent and urgent that the UK steps-up for climate change. There is so much potential for us as individuals to positively contribute towards the planet's health and survival, yet the uptake of green energy at home remains low.
Following the birth of our daughter, Eva, in 2020, we knew we couldn't just sit in our electric car and be satisfied. We decided to join the movement and devote our careers to the battle against climate change, in Eva's name.
Our values
There are companies operating in the UK, installing panels produced with components mined by forced labour in China. In fact 45% of the world's polysilicone supply comes from forced labour camps. This is not okay.
We will not install any product that does not meet our personal ethical standards, no matter how much cheaper it is for us.
Skilling up
To meet the anticipated demand for solar energy and electric vehicles in the UK, there will need to be a massive amount of training to build a workforce: electricians, installers, system designers etc.
To play our part, we are committed to investing in skills training: paid apprenticeships, work experience placements etc. In particular, we would love to see more women entering this field. If anyone would like to speak with us about opportunities, please fill in the 'contact us' form and we will be in touch.
Saving the planet will take each and every one of us - at times it will be costly, at times it will be uncomfortable - but failure is not an option. We are committed to helping your home and household become more green, and working with you in a simple, transparent and friendly manner.
-Matt & Dee White